

  In Japan there is a harmonious blend of contemporary and authentic heritage rage. So you can enjoy the picturesque nature and culture inherent in many of the tourist attractions, and the same time you can enjoy contemporary popular culture and see the latest fashion trends. Below we will give you a definition of the most prominent tourist sites.



Located east of Hokkaido Prefecture and require the sea, were recorded its coast within the World Heritage List in 2005.
In the center of the peninsula it sits this mountain volcanic origin penetrates the raging sea in the form of an obelisk.
In winter, ice blocks floating formed in the north up to the shores of the peninsula, where this is the maximum the south coast region of the world to reach such volumes of glaciers.
In the autumn salmon ascend through the rivers of the Shiretoko fed including brown bears, eagles and other robbers. In this unspoiled nature you can still watch the life cycle.




"Heraizumi" located in Iwate Prefecture. The city flourished in the Heian period (794 1185) administrative center of the North East region under the group "Fujiwara", was to discover the huge amounts of gold from local mines, as well as to the prosperity of this city. It is said that travelers "Marco Polo" was inspired by the charm of this city during his trips in the north-east of Japan to write (Gold Island: "Zibango"). That was left of this city, but some of the temples and gardens, and after that the commander "Minamoto no Yoritomo" to destroy the landmarks of this city, which has been thriving for nearly a hundred years. The "Koonjakidu" (Gold Hall) in the Temple "Chosonji" and Temple Gardens "Motsuoja" of the remaining buildings and gardens that have been able, to this day, maintaining the splendor and beauty of the picturesque.

Ni Ku


Wonderful tourist attraction visited by large numbers of tourists and not far from the capital Tokyo, where is located in Tochigi. And a lot of sites which are worth seeing, such as the Temple of Toshogo registered in the World Heritage List, and heavy Chegon Falls, and Lake Thozengji where you can enjoy the picturesque scenery around you and you're on board a boat.


Tokyo Disney Resort


Where you can play games and B & dining, shopping and many other recreational activities. The resort is located in Urayasu east of the capital in the province of Chiba City, and can be reached from Narita Airport also using the highway. Tokyo Disney Resort and is part of the American Disney Company, was opened in 1983.
The resort includes several sections, including Tokyo Disneyland where children and adults alike enjoy the most beautiful times games, near Tokyo Disneyland can enjoy water games in the seaside resort of Disney. You can also for those wishing to stay overnight at the resort spend time in one of the resort hotels  





Royal road towards the enjoyment of tourism in Tokyo with a long history, is a stunning place where you can cross the street Nakamesa should see the crowds in front of Sinso ji Temple oldest temple in Tokyo.
Asakusa is famous for its diversity of clothing, umbrellas, food and other traditional Japanese gifts.





Known as the city of electrical and present the latest technology. And where there are many cafes animation (anime) and many other aspects of popular culture, where anime has become the kiss of lovers all over the world. It is said that there are no electric technology is not found in Akihabara.


Tsukiji Market


There are 11 in the capital, Tokyo central market for fresh food, and one of these markets is a specialized seafood known as kitchen Tokyo Tsukiji market, and this market is the largest in the world and in particular _ihraly red tuna auction. In recent years, the increasing interest of foreign tourists visit this market, and to ward off the possibility of problems between market traders and tourists must for tourists from certain specific adherence to laws by the market.

Mount Fuji


An active volcano is the highest point of the 3776 m, the highest mountain in Japan, it has been named tomorrow means Japan. Mount Fuji and the surrounding area and visit each year about 100 million tourists is the largest tourist resort in Japan (Fuji Hakone National Park ISO). There are several scenes in the area of ​​sea and mountain, lakes and springs of hot water. Climbing Mount Fuji as possible in the summer. You can use the car or the bus to get to the middle of the road towards the top of the mountain, and from there you can continue walking, or can this limit-sufficiency for those who have difficulty walking more towards the summit.

To the mountainous area


This region extends over three provinces of Wakayama, Mie, Nara. It contains three sacred sites are (Auchinoyama Oomina Yoshino-yama, Kumano Sanzan Kumano san-zan, Koyasan Kōya-san) and sacred paths (course Kumano sacred Kumano Kodō, conduct Oomina Oko-Jackie Ōmine oku-gake-michi, through Kuyasantcho quarry Kōyasan chōishi-michi) classified as World Heritage List (list of cultural heritage) since July 2004. And reflect the effects of natural scenery in this sacred mountains history lasted for more than 1,200 years, and represents a continuation of tradition along that period.

Peace Memorial in Hiroshima


This monument tells the ravages and the horrors of the atomic bomb that was dropped on the city of Hiroshima (This building was left intact after it was destroyed in the explosion of the atomic bomb). The inclusion of this monument in the list of World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in the hope of delivering the commandment of the whole world content (so as not to repeat this tragedy), where he called on behalf of (the negative heritage in the World Heritage Site). The Toseaa under the name of the surrounding area (park monument peace) to receive a lot of visitors annually from around the world.



Aatsukushima Temple (or Miyajima)


The island where there is a popular destination for the worship of the temple for a long time, and according to mythology dating back to the reign of Emperor Xueqo year 593 AD. The current temple built in 1168 at the end of the era of "Heian" by Tyra Nu Kiumura.
The island is one of the "three wonders of Japan", which also includes all of Omanuhachidhati and Matsushima. You can here Show Japanese wild deer, and enjoy the wonderful differentiation four seasons throughout the year





Japan has a description of this island says (in the month it rains 35 days) expression of the heavy rains which, with an average rainfall on the island 4,000 mm per year to reach between 8,000 and 10,000 mm per year in the mountainous regions, and infested trees Aakussagy Rosin giant. The island is subtropical area, and in the mountainous areas height of nearly 2000 polar climate becomes exceptionally. In 1993 it was named an area of 107.47 km2, equivalent to 21% of the total area of the island as part of the World Natural Heritage.



Himeji Palace


The inclusion of this unique palace within the World Heritage list since 1993. It is believed that the first of the palace he built is Sadanora Akamatsu 1346 m and the Khalavaih after him from the Sengoku period (age Goku Jedi) to Azuchi Momoyama period (1573-1603) developed and expanded.
The main remaining part has now been built in the first half of the 17th century.
Although most of the deficiencies in Japan may impact of natural disasters the American aerial bombardment during World War II were destroyed, but the Himeji Palace Bbreign large and small have remained the same without damage.


Kyoto - Nara


Nara was the ancient capital of Japan (710-794) and then as the capital of Kyoto, which lasted for more than a millennium (794-1868), and these two capitals Alkadimtan form the culture and traditions of authentic Japanese center, two two sites must be their visit. The fire also famous for the huge statues of Buddha in Todaiji Temple, the largest wooden building that houses a statue of Buddha in the world, as well as Horiuja temple in the village of Aakaruga south of Nara, which is the oldest wooden building still exists to this day. In Kyoto, there are many sites are the best known is the Golden Pavilion (Kinkakuji). And also can not forget the temple Chininja and Kiyomizu Dera.


Chiracawago and Gcukayama


Chiracawago in the village (Shirakawa-area Gifu Prefecture) and the village of Gcukayama (To- area Toyama Prefecture) figs Smita as part of the list of World Cultural Heritage in 1995.
Here the visitor can see the traditional Japanese homes slanted ceilings with a unique figure in the world, which are used by farmers in all parts of Japan on sericulture (silk worm) where.


Shirakami mountain area


Shirakami Mountains region, which extends to the provinces of Aomori and Akita commonly referred to as the enormous space equivalent to 130 thousand hectares. In 1993, the adoption of this mountain range within the World Heritage list. The pristine jungle along the vast expanses of this series and one of the largest forest in the world.



Maintain 47 in Japan and includes sites of World Heritage. And where there is a palace Schori Joe (Shuri-jō), which dates back to the era of the family of Ryukyu (Okinawa ruled since 1429). In addition to the main island of Okinawa There are 48 uninhabited island and a number of the many uninhabited islands. And approaching the moderate climate of the tropical islands making this the site of many resorts and picturesque beaches. After the end of World War II, Okinawa was placed under US control until 1972 before returning to the motherland. And today is still the military bases belonging to the US Army.
